Getting Married in Dubai- PART 1
25 Jun 2016

Getting Married in Dubai- PART 1

Hello my beautiful friends, you have decided you want to get married in Dubai, now the problem is when?! As a wedding planner in Dubai, and resident for the past five years we are able to offer you some advice on the best times of year to travel.

The UAE is predominantly Muslim, so the month of Ramadan (which falls between 27th May to 25th June in 2017, and 16th of May to 14th of June in 2018) is highly respected, and you’re not encouraged to plan weddings during this period. Not only for religious reasons but also for the mere fact that temperatures reach up to 50 degrees. You could have an indoor wedding but if you are flying to Dubai you want your guests to be able to sightsee during the day and enjoy what Dubai has to offer. Hotels and venues during this period are also not allowed to serve alcohol before sunset or have live music.

During these periods it is seen as culturally disrespectful to eat or drink in public before sunset, meaning a number of restaurants close their doors until after sunset where an Iftar dinner occurs for those breaking fast. For an outdoor wedding in the UAE the best months are mid-October to April. These are the months where sun is guaranteed, without it being too hot and humid. This is the main reason why these are the busiest season for UAE based planners. If you do decide to go with a month that is typically warmer than most then a later ceremony/reception is advised.

A guide of the year can be seen below:

January- average temp is 19 °C (higher chance of rain)

February- average temp is 20 °C

March- average temp is 23 °C

April- average temp is 26 °C

May- average temp is 31 °C (5th May- Al Isra’a Wal Mi’raj – Ascension day)

June- average temp is 33 °C (typically start of Ramadan, can be very humid)

July- average temp is 35 °C (Ramadan, high levels of humidity and 7th July- Eid Al Fitr)

August- average temp is 36 °C (humid)

September- average temp is 33 °C (Still quite humid, September 10th– Arafat (Haj) Day, September 11th-13th– Eid Al Adha)

October- average temp is 29 °C (cooler but due to change of temperature sandstorms likely, October 2nd Al Hijri – Islamic New Year)

November- average temp is 25 °C (cooler but due to change of temperature sandstorms likely, November 30th– Martyr’s Day)

December- average temp is 21 °C (cooler and small chance of rain, December 2nd-3rd– UAE National Day and December 12th– Birthday of Prophet Mohammad)

If you are looking for a Nigerian wedding planner in Dubai then look no further, contact us for more information. Part Two Coming Soon.

Funmi x
